Syntax | Returns | Description |
S:startsWith(S) | N | Returns 1 if the string on which it was called starts with the given string, 0 otherwise. |
S:isNumber() | N | Returns 1 if string is a number, 0 otherwise. |
S:isLetters() | N | Returns 1 if string provided is letters and spaces, 0 otherwise. |
S:hasNumber() | N | Returns 1 if string contains numbers, 0 otherwise. |
S:hasLetter() | N | Returns 1 if string has letters, 0 otherwise. |
S:isUpper() | N | Returns 1 if string is uppercase, 0 otherwise. |
S:isLower() | N | Returns 1 if string is lowercase, 0 otherwise. |
Syntax | Returns | Description |
averagePing() | N | Returns a floating-point number representing the average ping of all players in the server. |
minPing() | N | Returns a floating-point number representing the lowest ping of all players in the server. |
maxPing() | N | Returns a floating-point number representing the highest ping of all players in the server. |
averageLoss() | N | Returns a floating-point number representing the average packet loss of all players in the server. |
minLoss() | N | Returns a floating-point number representing the lowest packet loss of all players in the server. |
maxLoss() | N | Returns a floating-point number representing the highest packet loss of all players in the server. |
getBuilders() | R | Returns an array of all players currently in Build mode. |
getPvpers() | R | Returns an array of all players currently in Pvp mode. |
getAlive() | R | Returns an array of all players that are alive. |
getDead() | R | Returns an array of all players that are dead. |